My life has been pretty busy this summer. I realized that I have hardly posted anything more than pictures in a long time. As usual my time is short, but I thought I could do some random thoughts in bullet points to catch you up on a few things around here.
1. Yesterday I woke up with bites on my right arm and leg. They itched like crazy, but one much more than the others. After research on the Mayo Clinic website and a call to the doctor, it was decided that I was attacked by a spider in my sleep. I say attacked because it was that painful. It said that the
initial bite will be worse than the rest. Boy were they right. I was told to take
Benedryl orally and use
hydro cortisone cream topically. I was babysitting the
grand kids last night, so I couldn't take the
Benedryl till I got home. It was a good thing I waited. I took it when I got home at 11:00 and I was in pretty much of a semi coma till about 8:30 tonight. The good news is that those bites have not itched once since I woke up.
2. The last thing I saw before I fell asleep last night was the news about tragedy at the Indiana State Fair. My heart aches for the poor people involved. I found out tonight that a friend and her family were at the fair and left just before everything happened. Two of her best friends co workers were critically injured. My prayers are with them.
3. My summer vacation is dwindling down to a precious few days. My staff meeting is Thursday and school actually starts on the 24t
h. Once we have the staff meeting, we are pretty much back to work. We will be getting the room ready and all the others stuff that goes along with the start of a new school year.
4. If the truth be known, I am ready to go back to school. I do so much better when I have a set routine. I have spent most of the summer saying "I'll do it tomorrow" and guess what? I am just about out of tomorrows. I am a much better time manager when I know just how much time I have. I don't seem to put things off then.
5. My niece-in-law taught me how to crochet when we were on vacation. I am really excited about that. I have wanted to learn for a long time and now I finally know how. I just need to keep practicing so I can actually make something.
6. I started this summer with the plan to de
clutter my house. I wanted to purge the closets and drawers. I wanted to clean the basement. I started out pretty well, but that all kind of died out. I need to get back to that.
7. I have had the best summer with the
grand kids. They are so much fun. Jack is 16 months and a little superman. Lizzy will be three in October and is every inch a drama queen. Natalie is five and can't wait to get back to preschool with her friends. They are
the one thing I will miss when I go back to school. I love that now I can go and see them any old time I want.
8. Going back to school will put a glitch in my social media time. That is probably a good thing. I have been spending way too much time on Twitter,
Facebook and my blogs this summer.
9. My garden is finally beginning to produce some vegetables. The cucumbers and tomatoes are ripening daily. We've had a few peppers and I think they are all going to come in at the same time. I guess that is what happens when you don't get a garden in till the first week in June.
10. I am going next weekend with three good friends to see the concert "Under the Streetlamp". It is the guys who played the Four Seasons in Jersey Boys in Chicago a few years ago. They were wonderful in that show. I can't wait to see them again. It will be a nice end to my summer vacation.
Well, it's 12:58 a.m. and I'm wide awake. The good news is that there is a full moon and a clear night outside. I think I'm going to head out there and take some pictures. If I get some good ones, I'll post them later.
Have a great week everyone!