Monday, January 16, 2012

30 Day Blog Challenge / Day 16

Todays 30 Day Blog Challenge post is to post a picture of yourself and your family.

Here we are!
I am blessed to have a large family that will still be growing as the years go on. Dick and I have been married for 38 1/2 years. We have four lovely daughters. Cindy just turned 37 and is married to Ryan. She is a school teacher. Kate and Sarah are 28 and are twins. Kate is a bank teller and is married to Mark. Sarah is a stay at home mom of three after working as a cosmetologist. She is married to Nick. Abby is 24 and also a school teacher. She and Myles have been together for six years. Marriage isn't too far down the road.

I have three of the most adorable grand kids that you will ever meet. Natalie is five and in preschool. Lizzy is three and mommy's little helper. Our only grandson Jack will be 2 in April. Having a boy in the family after all these girls is a whole new experience.

So that is my family and I. We are a pretty special group of 13 and not an unlucky one in the bunch.


  1. Great picture! What a blessing. :)

  2. Isn't it fun when y'all all get together? There are five of us girls in my family and we all have kids (ten grandkids total) so it makes for some really fun - and loud! - family gatherings. Nothing beats it!

  3. Happy Friday sweet friend!

    You (and me too) are blessed with a large family...great children and their spouses and wonderful grandchildren. Thank you God!

    Happy weekend hugs,

  4. A lucky bunch indeed!! School teachers like their mother! Love that! You ARE blessed with a beautiful, ever growing family!


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