Saturday, January 14, 2012

30 Day Blog Challenge / Day 14

Today's assignment at the 30 Day Blog Challenge was to name your favorite television addiction and why. I watch very little TV, so it was pretty easy to pick. The one show that I make a point of seeing each week is.........

I started watching Grey's Anatomy very early on. I just sicked me in and kept me there. I admit that some of the story lines are kind of stupid, but some of the moments are awesome.

I think my very favorite is the two hour episode with the shooter who was after the chief, but shooting others as he looked for him. I knew it was a television show, but I had to keep reminding myself to breathe. I was also impressed with this past week's episode with the accident with the ambulance. I admit that it hadn't been on for so many weeks that I forgot how it ended, but it only took seconds to remember.

I used to watch it with friends every Thursday night, but we haven't been doing that this year. I'm not quite sure why. I'll have to check into that. Grey's Anatomy is great show. It has suspense, humor, love and heart stopping moments. You will laugh just as easily as you cry at this show. I love it. Pure and simple.


  1. Mine is Biggest Loser! But this one sounds good too!

  2. Haven't watched this show but I definitely have shows that give me the same emotions as you described. Thanks for sharing!

  3. You know, I used to watch Grey's faithfully but haven't in several years. Now, looking back, I wonder if I quit because I was having my own medical drama? I'm going to have to see if I can get back into it. It's one of the very few non-reality shows I've ever watched.

  4. I also watched that show, and I was also holding my breath with the shooter episode. I only wish I could say "I watch little tv" but, that would be a lie!! Thank goodness for dvr and menopause, because now when I can't sleep I have plenty to watch! Ha!


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