So much has been going on around here, I don't even know where to start. Maybe I should start with the cuteness of my grandson. Guess who learned how to smile? You guessed it, it's smiling Jack. Isn't he just the cutest little guy ever?

Last Monday, I went into Chicago for the James Taylor and Carole King Troubadour Reunion concert. Words fail me to tell you how great this concert was. Two and a half hours of pure bliss. They were both onstage together the whole time and did two encores. Carole King is 67 years old and you would never guess it. Certainly not by her looks or her voice. She sounds as good as she did in the 70's. James Taylor was as awesome as always. I've lost count as to how many times I've seen him. He might be 62, but he is as cute as ever.
I was a little disappointed with the Biggest Loser finale. I had hoped that O'Neill would win the $100,000. I was also hoping that Koli or Daris would win the whole thing. I didn't like Mike from the start. Oh well, I guess you can't always get things your own way.
I only have three days of school left. I'm happy and sad about that. I couldn't have a better job. Working with three to five year olds is wonderful. They love you and all they want to do is make you happy. At least that is how most of them are. There is the occasional little stinker. What I am not looking forward to is the 8th grade graduation ceremony. It is a tradition at our school for the faculty and staff to sing a song with the graduates. I really don't like it. I'm not a performer and I don't like getting up in front of a church full of people to sing. The saving grace to it al is that we all go out afterwards.
We are going to Wisconsin this weekend for a 30th anniversary party for my cousin and his wife. It should be fun. Baby Jack is going to make his big debut. He is going to be a hit, I'm sure. Natalie and Lizzy are going to have a ball with all the kids there and in the hotel pool.
I don't have a free weekend from now until the middle of July. We have six graduation open houses, two birthday parties, a bridal shower, a wedding and Jacks' baptism. That doesn't even include all the festivities of the 4th of July. It is going to be a very busy time.
Team Shrinking Jeans is gearing up for their mini marathon in San Diego this coming weekend. I am so proud of them. They have raised over $40,000. for blood cancer research. I am really excited because my amazing friend Christy has got me set up to receive eight to ten text messages during the race to keep me updated on her progress.
It's time to think about getting ready for bed. I'm still trying to get to bed at a reasonable time. I'm also trying to get up by 5:30 and exercise before work. Three more days and I can exercise a little later. I'll still do it first ting in the morning though. Too many excuses later in the day. Good night!