Dear Current Self,
Hey there you sexy thing. I bet you didn’t think we’d be saying that now, did you? Life is full of good surprises.
We had a rough little start to 2010. January was not our favorite month. Can you say pity party? February came and by then we had picked our self up by our boot straps and were in the thick of good eating and exercise. March brought our second 5k and we kicked ass. Ran the whole stinkin thing and the ankle never hurt once.
April brought springtime and the sweetest little grandson that God ever made to our family. The warmer weather took us outside for some of our exercise and we started going to the state park to do some hiking on the weekends. May brought grill weather and a different style of cooking. June was the end of school for the year. We cheered from afar for our sisters who were running the mini in San Diego. They were smokin hot and totally rocked it. I knew they were going to do good. I never doubted them.
July was the half way point of the year. We were doing well with our eating and exercise. We had lost eight pounds and several inches. August had us feeling like we had finally got it. We were in the zone and knew how to stay there. No more whining or at least very seldom. September we were back in school and rethinking how to keep up the good things we had learned over the summer. And guess what, we figured it out and kept on going.
October brought long hikes in the dunes. That park pass we got in the winter was a great idea. The beautiful colors were good for the soul and the camera. November we ran in the Run Baby Baby Run 5k again and we were even better than in March when we ran the Runnin with the Irish. December was wonderful with the holidays, but we also had to fight all the food and liquor temptations. We didn’t always pass them up, but that was okay too. We just worked a little harder on the exercise.
So, here we are at the start of 2011. We learned so much this past year. Whining and complaining is annoying to everyone and it doesn’t help one little thing. People can coach and cajole, but the only person who can really help you is you. If you really put your mind to it, you can do anything you want. We just kept putting one foot in front of the other, day after day and here we are one year later…..17 pounds lighter and more fit than we have been in too many years. We can run up a sand dune without stopping and we can chase those grandkids all over the place. We are finally in a really good place. A really good place!
With much love,
Your Future Self
This was the Monday project homework for the Sisterhood. I haven't gone stark raving mad.