Wednesday, May 20, 2009

You Capture/Sweet

I went with the obvious this week. I wanted to do my grand daughters, but I just didn't have the time to go and take 50 pictures to get the couple great shots. I also promised myself that I wouldn't use any older pictures this time. These are all new. Not nearly as sweet as my girls, but sweet anyway.

These are all sweet treats from the local bakery in our little town. I'm not even sure what the last thing is. I haven't eaten any to see. I was told it was some kind of honey bun thing. The others are self explanatory. This place does amazing and tasty work.

Head over to the You Capture homepage and see what everyone else thought was sweet.


  1. Very sweet! I want one. Now. ;o)

  2. very sweet looking cupcakes adn treats

  3. Okay, where is this bakery!? Because that all looks AMAZING and like I want it in my stomach right now.

  4. Total Yummyness! That last one looks like ceramic. I didn't know it was real and you can eat it...I have to put my sweet picture up this morning. I'm a little behind on the asignment.

  5. Ooohhhh, I hope those treats are half as tasty as they are beautiful. I am sorry that you couldn't get shots of your girls, but I really love food shots so these were fun too!

  6. Awesome take on the theme, I love sweets and they look wonderful!

  7. Wow! Those look quite tasty! Is that first one a cupcake? It looks like a lot of work went into the frosting on that! And I love the beehive one! How neat!

  8. mmmm yes, now that is sweet!


  9. Those look so good. That last one almost looks like Flan!

  10. I love that you photographed things from your local bakery! They are so beautiful! And the yellow background is so pretty!! I want one of the last ones. I love honey buns!!

    Great captures this week, Nancy!!!

  11. Yum! I want to go to there!

    I also love how each shot has that dramatic yellow background! Nicely done this week and kuddos to you for using new shots!

  12. Those look so yummy! Great idea, going to the bakery :)

  13. Nice job finding sweet subjects. I must admit, though, that beehive honey bun thing is the most interesting and a very fun,"sweet" picture!

  14. OMG, all these photos of delicious-looking food is making me crave sweets!

  15. YUM! Now I need to go find something to eat!

  16. YUM! Now I'm hungry for something tasty.

  17. OMG, my mouth is watering! Very sweet shots! I want that cupcake so badly!

  18. These are about as sweet as it gets! The "sweet bee" is museum quality SWEET!!

  19. yummo! i love sweet treats! your photos are making me drool :O)


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