Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You Capture/Colors

Another week, another capture. Color is everywhere, so I just went out and shot some.

Here we have black and white. I took this through the living room picture window at 1:37 a.m. Here we have yellow on my new shirt from Mother's Day.
Here we have purple from my new hanging basket from Mother's Day.

Here we have red and blue from my Cubs flag by the driveway.

Here we have coral from the beautiful blooms in the neighbors yard.
I'm really enjoying the You Capture assignments. I think it might be making me a better photographer and I use that term loosely. Now it's time for you to head over and check out all the great captures at the You Capture homepage.


  1. The moon is haunting. And love the hanging basket! I got my first mother's day hanging basket this year. Lovely!

  2. I love the sky. And your choice of black-- the absence of all COLOR.

    I love these assignments too. And nothing makes us better than shootin' up a storm!

  3. I am a big fan of Life is Good. Great shots!

  4. Life is Good!! Great shots!

  5. Great shots! I need to find me a T-shirt like that. Love that saying! I love the black & white one. I was awake at that time, I think, during our storm last night.

  6. Color, color everywhere! Your photos are the essence of color! Isn't it amazing how FOCUS makes us, well... FOCUS! I will try to post some photos from my new camera. I've had it for a couple of weeks, but I let my granddaughter use it (play with it) while at a restaurant and she did something to the FOCUS! I think my daughter Jane has remedied the problem... we'll see! (My granddaughter took some really interesting photos, though!! Don't want to completely discourage creativity!)

  7. I thought about trying to do something with black but couldn't think of anything. I love your take. :)

  8. I really like the first one! I never thought to include black and white, but of course, they are colors, too!

  9. love that you did a black and white for the color capture. you captured color in a way that most people wouldn;t. good job!


  10. Great colors!!! The moon is awesome.

  11. I love the lighting on the purple flower. It looks so soft and lovely.

  12. You capture has really been fun for me too!

    Great pictures~~~

  13. I love the last tulip shot. An amazing color! And I'd much rather that flag be Brewer blue and gold!

  14. What an array of colors you found! I love the last flower shot, I assume that's a type of tulip?

  15. yeah the moon one totally reminds me of twilight and stuff ... i love it :)

  16. Great colors! That is a beautiful moon shot.

  17. I am biased to the last one since I love the flowers so much. Great job on showing ALL the colors! : )

  18. Wow, I really like the moon shot...very cool! Great captures!

  19. That coral flower is BEAUTIFUL!

  20. Beautiful shots! The last flower is my favorite!

  21. I love the last one! Great job!

  22. I'm so glad you had such a colorful Mother's Day!!!

    You are a great photographer, lady!! Keep up the good work :)

  23. Great job getting out there and FINDING the COLOR that surrounds us!! :)

  24. love the moon shot and the cubs flag - different ideas from everyone else's - something original and unique! great captures :).

    my color post is up now if you want to check it out. leave me a note to let me know you were there :)

  25. Great shots! Especially that last one!


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