I'm having one of those days. Maybe it's one of those weeks. It is actually one of those summers.
But sometimes, I do.
It's summer. It's my vacation from work.
It's almost August and I'm still waiting to start having some fun.
I know that I bring a lot of it on myself by offering to help people.
It's just how I am. It's how we were raised.
You help others.
Just like I am now. I admit it.
But if I can't vent on my own blog, where can I?
I try to be positive. I try not to complain to my husband or family.
I do have one wonderful friend that I walk with in the morning. She is my therapist and I am hers. That helps so much.
How fast we walk depends on how angry or upset we are at something. Those are some of our best workouts. When we are laughing and joking, we are just strolling along.
It's kind of funny actually. We talk, we cry, we bitch, we laugh and we feel better.
There isn't an emotion we haven't covered in that three and a half miles in the morning.
My own little family unit of 13 is awesome.
I love them with all my heart.
I have the best friends ever.
But, one day I'd just like to spend some time sitting in my yard with a good book and looking at my flowers without the phone ringing or a car pulling up or someone coming out from the house wanting a piece of me.