Wednesday, April 28, 2010
You Capture/Spring

The 21 Day Challenge

First, I am going to get more sleep. I am the worst at going to bed at a decent hour. It's not uncommon at all for me to go to bed at 1:00 and then get up for work at 5:45 or 6:00 at the latest. I know that isn't enough sleep, but it doesn't stop me from doing it. My plan is to do this in increments. The first week, I'm shooting for midnight, 11:30 the second week and 11:00 the third. Sounds logical, right?
Second, I am going to exercise no less than 30 minutes a day, six days a week. I've been slacking in that lately. I'm thinking that if I go to bed earlier, I can get up a little earlier and exercise before work. I have no excuses for not doing it later in the day then.
Third, I have to get back to drinking more water. When I gave up diet coke for lent, I drank a ton of water. I also drank a lot of ice tea. I still drink the ice tea, but the diet coke is creeping back in. When the diet coke creeps back in, the water gets put by the wayside. No more! I will drink more water starting tomorrow (she says as she takes a drink of diet coke).
Lastly, this is a weigh in day. I'm sorry to say that I gained this week. Not much, just .4 pounds. Without the Weight Loss Warriors to keep me honest, I slacked off a little. I have to get back my enthusiasm. I'll find it, I promise. I'm going to post this now and then go see what everyone else is doing. Talk to you all next week.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Freschetta Giveaway

I will draw the winners on May 4, 2010.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Walking for Some Very Special Angels

This is Rhonda, Mary and me. I met Rhonda and Mary through blogging. Rhonda is one of Beth's best friends mom and Mary is Beth's mom. We had a wonderful time together. Being the elder statesemen of the team, we had to suck it up and finish the walk. It was a little tough that last mile. We all decided that five miles would have been perfect. We also decided that when I get done with school in June, we are going to start meeting once a week to walk together. I am really looking forward to that.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Spring Fling/The Final Weigh In

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Spring Organizing Giveaway
I started in my family room. I am considering a new entertainment center. Ours is pretty old and we just got a new tv. I was looking at corner tv stands at the CSN Stores website. Have you ever checked out this website? I was amazed at the number of things they have. They have furniture, home decor, housewares, things for home improvement, outdoor things , exercise things and so many more. I was very impressed.
I was contacted by a representative from CSN Stores and she offered me a giveaway for my readers. The giveaway goes along the same lines as what I have been doing at home. You will have your choice of one of three things from http://www.racksandstands.com/ . All three are for organizing and storing dvd's and cd's. I'll put the link to each item under the pictures so you can go check them out.

This giveaway is open to residents of the United States and Canada and the prize will be shipped directly to you from CSN. Be sure to leave your email address in your comment if your comment doesn't link back to a blog that has that information.
Here's how to enter...
1. Leave a comment telling me which item you would pick if you win.
Extra entries...
2. Become a follower of my blog.
3. Spread the news about the giveaway on your blog or on Twitter or Facebook.
Please leave a seperate comment for each entry.
I will pick a winner on April 26th using random.org.
Friday, April 16, 2010
My Loves
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
You Capture/Fresh

As Promised, My Little Jack

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
HE'S HERE!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I'm Walking with Team James and Jake

Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Monday Project Book Club

This Monday Project was to read a book about anything that had to do with healthy living, healthy body, healthy mind, fitness, cooking, whatever we wanted, as long as it had something to do with being healthy. The book I chose was Fit for Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond.
Fit for Life is the natural body cycle, permanent weight loss plan that proves it's not what you eat, but when you eat it and how. At least that is what it tells you on the cover. After reading the book and trying it out for a few days so far, I think they are right.
Here is how they break up your 24 hour day.
Cycle 1 Elimination (4a.m. to Noon) During this time period, the only thing you eat is fruit and/or real fruit juice. Having fruit or fruit juice exclusively before noon is the single most important facet of this program.
Cycle 2 Appropriation (Noon to 8 p.m.) Noon is the time of day when you enter the daily eating period. When you read the book, you learn the tools of proper food combining. Basicly, you never eat a starch with a meat or vegetable. You can have the burger, but you can't have the bun. You can have the mashed potato, but you can't have the roast beef. You can eat anything you want. It's what you eat with it that counts.
Cycle 3 Assimilation (8 p.m. to 4a.m.) You have taken in the food. Now it is time to give your body a chance to extract, absorb and utilize the nutrients in that food. No absorption can take place until the food has entered the intestines. A properly combined meal will be out of the stomach in approximately three hours and ready to be absorbed and assimilated. An improperly combined meal can remain in the stomach for eight to twelve hours or longer.
If what they say about fruit in this book is true, you never want to eat fruit with anything but fruit. What they say happens if you eat fruit with anything else is totaly gross. I won't go into detail, but rotting and decay are involved. Like I said, gross.
Bottom line is that I liked this book a lot. It made perfect sense to me. I'm giving it a try. I'm starting whole hog on Monday. I guess that is why I had pizza for dinner tonight at 9:30. It was a long day, don't judge.
p.s. I was also reading Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels, but I haven't finished it. I wasn't in the mood for Jillian to be yelling at me in print. I'll get back to that eventually.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Welcome to My Party

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
You Capture/Comfort
Monday, April 5, 2010
A Yummy Giveaway
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Circle of Life
Tonight, I want to remember that we've had some good days too. Last Sunday, we had a baby shower for my daughter. She is due soon with our first grandson. I can't even explain how excited we are about this. I'm sure I told you before that it's been 25 years since we had a baby boy born in our family. Needless to say, we have no boy clothes to pass down, so we had a small shower to get him started.
This my daughter and my mom. Mom is so excited about this baby, her first great grandson.
These are some daughters, nieces and great nieces.
Who might possibly have bought this present?

I know this is going to seem random, but ever since Beth's shower, I can't get enough of this stuff. It's cucumber water and it is so refreshing.