started my weekend by going to the eye doctor after work and picking up my new glasses and contacts. After 54 years, I finally found contacts that I can wear. I've been wearing a trial pair for a week and I really like them. I came home and my daughter dropped off my granddaughter to spend the night. We had a great time. We read all the new books I got for her. She loves to read. She takes after her gramma. She learned how to sew with a set of lacing cards I bought.
We played with poppa, watched Disney movies and planned our Saturday.
Saturday morning we got up and made pancakes.

We got dressed and walked up the the Wizard of Oz festival parade. By adult standards, I thought it was pretty lame, but she seemed to enjoy it, except the sirens. That was as far as our involvement went with the Oz fest. I really don't like the Oz fest. I could give you 100 reasons why not, but why bother.
We walked back home, got in the car and headed for the apple orchard. We all had a great time. She loved the animals, the play yard, the food, the gift shop and riding the Moo Choo train with her godmommy/aunt. It was so much fun to watch her. She has such a joy about her and a hilarous sense of humor for a three year old. It was a wonderful day.
Today, not so wonderful. It's been a day full of laundry, floor scrubbing, bathroom cleaning etc, etc, etc. All the fun things I usually do on Saturday. It's okay though. I'll take a day with my granddaughter over cleaning any day of the week. I hope you all had a great weekend too.
I almost forgot a very important part of my weekend. Notre Dame won!!!!!