Wednesday, April 1, 2009

You Capture/Spring

Because that was where I was last week, I captured spring in the Smokey Mountains. Maybe by posting these pictures, spring might actually find it's way to northwest Indiana. Be sure and stop by to see all the other captures at Folding Laundry


  1. Oh, these are so beautiful and gave me the umph I needed. I pictured myself right there in the beautiful Smokies. Great shots!

  2. Yay!!! I always look for the forsythia bushes to bloom....a big tell tale sign that Spring has SPRUNG!! :D Great job!

  3. All these photos of flowers are truly inspiring me to get out and start shooting mine! These photos are so pretty. Great job.

    When I Grow Up

  4. I hope you had a good time! I want to go there!


  5. Great shots! I love how the colors of spring stand out against the still brown ground.

  6. Great shots! And I hope you brought some of that spring back with you.

  7. I wantwd a picture like your first one so bad! Great job!

  8. great shots...
    now, as you said, lets see that in NW Indiana!!! SOON PLEASE. :)

  9. I see that spring popping up through those leaves ... very pretty!

  10. Perfect shots! I love to see all the beautiful spring foliage emerging from the ground!

  11. How beautiful! I hope you brought some of that spring back with you, too.

  12. your photos are just the thing to make me want a trip to the mountains for myself! now that spring is here - it just might be time to talk with the hubs! thanks :O)

    my You Capture post this week features drops, buds, and kitties. there is always room for you in The Shadow of the Cross, so check it out. thanks in advance for your visit :O).

  13. Love the redish leaves... I want to take that walk too and shoot upwards from below those cool shapes. Wouldn't that make a great perspective shot?

  14. Are those tiny honeysuckle buds? I love that smell! Great shots!

  15. Oh, how fun! I can smell those blooms from here.

  16. THere is nothing like new growth!

  17. Great job! I hope spring finds you soon!

  18. oh look how much green there is - and even some sun! NO fair!

  19. I love the Smokies, great shots!

  20. Wonderful shots! I really, really hope you put some spring into your pocket and you're just waiting to share it with us!

  21. Lovely spring pictures! I especially like the first one, it's so delicate and pretty and full of hope for spring.


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