Next, I got to meet one of my very favorite blogging friends this past weekend. We walked the March for Babies together for Team James and Jake and we had a great time. Rhonda is just as wonderful as I thought she would be

This is a letter from a rug on the floor.
Then, I came home and found a lot of letters that I really like.
This is on the wall in our bedroom. And this is on the wall in the computer room.
I really have to work on my editing, but for right now, I'm enjoying the taking of the pictures. I guess the other stuff will come later. Make sure you check out all the other great captures at I Should Be Folding Laundry
The teapot has a place of honor on top of the kitchen cabinets.
Cleaning and polishing these things this morning got me feeling a little nostalgic. Thinking about old times back in the old neighborhood when I was a kid. I lived in the best neighborhood ever. I swear every house had at least one kid, but most had more. In summer, we would be out of the house by nine and only came in for meals and finally bedtime. Do kids even get to do that anymore? Everyones mom and dad looked out for everybody else's kids. Parents never worried about their kids and we kids had a blast. Every single day of summer. I hope there are still neighborhoods like that around. I had the best childhood ever.