Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Is Spring Finally "Springing"?

This is sedum coming up in the front yard. When I was out taking pictures for this weeks You Capture challenge, I found what I think are some definite signs of spring. What do you think?
This is some of the yard waste that hubby raked up today.
Buds on a bush that I don't recall the name of.
If this wasn't sideways, it would look like crocus buds. I tried to
rotate the picture, but no such luck.

These are buds on my lilac bush. A personal favorite!

So, what do you think? Am I crazy or am I really seeing what I think I'm seeing?


  1. Isn't it so's definitely coming. :)

  2. I get so excited when I see crocus buds!!! Yay spring!!!

  3. I LOVE that first picture--and the sun that was shining on it. Yes, looking forward to spring can be so exciting!!

  4. Things are starting to bud and bloom here in Arkansas too! I've noticed the lilac bushes and bradford pears are budding and the jonquils are really bragging

  5. How did I not know you had a lilac bush?!?! And where is it? I LOVE the smell of lilacs. I noticed a few days agao that the trees here all have buds on them. Surprisingly (because I genuinely love the snow) I am really looking forward to spring and not having to bundle up the girls everytime we go out.

  6. well what do you know? spring has sprung in my own backyard and i didn't even know it!

  7. LUCKY!!! I can't wait to see signs of Spring here!!!

    Great pictures!!

  8. I have always wanted a lilac bush. Great pics. I noticed in my front yard after work that I need to rake up the left over leaves from last year.

  9. I live in Colorado and I just found that 2 of my plants from last year are still alive! Along with the green onions that I planted. I couldnt believe it, we barely had a winter this year. I am sooooo ready for spring.

  10. There are few things I love more than green shoots poking up through the ground.
    Also, I love lilacs! My parents have six or seven lilac bushes, and they smell so heavenly in May.

  11. Looks like spring!! I am jealous!

  12. I am going to believe you and get really excited that there are signs of spring coming! Woo hoo!

  13. If I see one more snow fall, I'm going to lose my mind! Can't wait for those buds to bloom.

  14. Hi, I'm Debbie. I'm over from Mimi's blog. You have a great blog here. I'll be back. Stop by my blog soon!


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