The older I get, the more it is proved to me that some of the people that I thought were my friends really aren't. They are people that I have known for years. They are in different circles of friends. Some of them overlap into more than one group. People I thought I could trust. People that I thought had my back. But, not so much.
Oddly enough, I am okay with this fact. I'd rather know than keep on going thinking differently. If I have learned nothing else in my older years, it's this.....
Don't get me wrong. I have lots of friends. Some of you I have met right here on this blog and you mean the world to me. I have some wonderful friends who have been my friends since we went to school together. Friends I have met through work and my kids. Friends who I love like my family and that love me right back.
I'm just happy to have finally figured out who's who.
The five minutes went so fast writing this week. Stop over at Jaime's and check out all the #SOC posts and join in, if you'd like. It can be so good for the soul.
I have not blogged since spring. It has been an amazingly busy spring and summer. I kept saying I was going to get back to blogging, but just never quite made it happen. When I saw Old School Blogging was back tonight, I knew I had to do it. You should too. It's fun and here's the link to join in. Here are my ABC's of Me!! A- Age: 60 and I love it!! B- Biggest Fear: Deep water and most especially deep water in the dark. The scariest time ever was when I got tricked into getting on the Staten Island Ferry at 10:30 at night. At least I got some good pictures of the NYC skyline.
C- Current Time: 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday D- Drink you last had: Tall Bacardi and coke with lime E- Easiest Person To Talk to: My best friend, Vickie!! F- Favorite Song: Tough question, I have so many. If I have to pick just one, I'd say Roll Me Away by Bob Seger. G- Grossest Memory: The Porta Potty at a Jimmy Buffett concert. Needless to say, I didn't have to go as badly as I thought. H- Hometown: My hometown and my town for the past 60 years is Chesterton, Indiana. It's small town America, but getting bigger all the time. Somewhere I have a picture of the gazebo in the park downtown, but I can't find it. I- In love with: This awesome and amazing family!!!
J- Jealous Of: People who's house is always clean. K- Killed Someone? Ummmmm, no! L- Longest Relationship: Including dating, I've been with my husband for 44 years. M- Middle Name: My middle name is Kathryn. It is also the most over used name in my family and my grandma's name. N- Number of Siblings: Three sisters and a brother. I'm #3. O- One Wish: Health and happiness for my family and friends. P- Person who you last called: My daughter Katie to check on her sonogram results. Grandbaby #5 is due in October. He's a boy to be named Christopher Collins Snyder. Q- Question you’re always asked: Was it hard raising twins? R- Reason to smile: My sweet and wonderful grandkids!! S- Song you last sang: Uptown Funk in the car on the way home from work. T- Time you woke up: 5:15 U- Underwear Color: At the moment I'm dressed for bed, so it's navy boxers. V- Vacation Destination: Disney World with the whole family one day! W- Worst Habit: I have no idea. It was smoking for a long time, but I gave that up many years ago. X- X-rays you’ve had: Teeth, right foot and stomach. Y- Your favorite food: That would be pizza. Z- Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius. My horoscope for today was "Long-term trends are coming to a favorable point for you, Sagittarius. This is a good day to examine them and make some moves forward in pursuit of your goals. There's a great deal of energy working in your favor today and asking you to take charge and lead the fight toward a better reality. Get out of bed early and get moving."