Friday, April 29, 2011
One Last Push

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
You Capture / Pink
Sunday, April 24, 2011
So Lucky!
I spent part of Easter morning in church with my family and I was so proud. But even more, I felt blessed. I was with two of my daughters, a son-in-law and my three beautiful healthy grandchildren. How could you top that?
Later in the day, I was at my mom's house for dinner with my extended family. Once again, we had more beautiful healthy children. It is something that I don't take for granted. I know how quickly that can all change.
I lost a baby to miscarriage many years ago. There isn't a holiday that goes by that I don't wonder how our lives would be different if that baby had lived. Was it a boy or a girl? Would it have dark hair and eyes like our girls? What would he/she be doing with their life now? Would we have more grandchildren? That baby would be 30 now.
I know families who lost their babies later in their pregnancy. They knew what sex they were. They were able to cuddle them and say goodbye. No matter when or how you lose a child, it is devastating.
I am in the final week of fundraising for my March for Babies walk. The March of Dimes helps so many families in so many ways to cope with loss. They also help even more families fight to save their children from illnesses. The money raised for the walk is invaluable.
I think this is one of the most important things that I do in the course of a year. It is a cause that is very close to my heart.
If you would like to help Team James and Jake reach their team goal of $5000, please click on the widget in the sidebar and donate. No amount is too small.
Please help us. It will make you feel good. I promise.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
You Capture / Spring
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
You Capture / Smiles
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Random Thoughts and Pet Peeves
Bullet points, I think.......
1. We had our Zumbathon for March of Dimes on Friday night. We had a great time and raised $1058.22 for Team James and Jake. I'm very proud of that.
2. Jack had his 1st birthday party on Saturday. I can't believe that he is going to be a year old on Wednesday.
3. People that don't answer emails drive me crazy.
4. I like My Fitness Pal so much better than Weight Watchers. It is much easier and I am getting better results.
5. Why is it that the people who think it is their right to say anything that comes into their heads are the same people who think nobody should ever say anything to them?
6. It was a perfect day outside today. It was 82 and sunny. A little windy, but I can handle that.
7. In the course of an hour boot camp class, I did over 100 push ups (girlie style). 60 of them were in a 10 minute circuit. That is huge for me. When I started boot camp, I was doing my push ups against the wall. My next step will be to get to military push ups. Those scare me. I am the oldest person in my class.
8. I love Army Wives.
9. I got my hair cut and I don't love it. I don't hate it either. I think I just have to play with it and get used to it.
10. We are going on a big family vacation in August. We are renting a lake house in Michigan with my sister and brother-in-law. Both of our kids will come and go through the course of the week. We haven't rented a vacation house together since my oldest was Natalie's age. I'm really looking forward to it.
Okay, that's it for now. I have to finish the laundry and get to bed. 5:30 rolls around pretty early. Have a great week everyone.