Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
You Capture / Christmas Favorites
There is a lot going on in this first picture, but I still love it.
You should too.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Finally, we have a holiday card.
I sent them out today.
I wish I could afford to send them to all of you,
but I can't.
This will have to do for this year.
I got to use the new remote for my camera and that was fun.
It was great to not have to get a friend over to take it.
I don't know if you can tell that everyone is in their jammie's.
It was Christmas morning and the rule was you had to come in your jammie's.
It was their punishment for not cooperating with getting the picture taken on Thanksgiving like we always do.
If the truth be known, I kind of liked sending out New Years cards.
It just makes the holiday seem a little longer.
The one thing I didn't get done this year was my annual letter to go in the cards.
I'm considering doing an email attachment for some of the people that we don't get to see often enough. I'll think about that later.
Now, I have to finish my thank yous for all the presents from school.
p.s. Don't I have just the cutest grandkids ever?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Some Holiday Pictures
Here are a few of the pictures from the weekend.
I have to save some for You Capture on Thursday.
Here we have the grandkids arriving at our house on Christmas morning for breakfast.
Everyone had to come in their jammies this year.
It was their punishment for not being cooperative with taking the annual Christmas picture on Thanksgiving. I told them we were taking a picture Christmas morning so I could send out New Years cards. I ordered them this morning.
They insist that I make fresh polish sausage, egg casserole and homemade sour cream coffee cake every year. This year Abby decided to add mimosas.
Not a bad addition.
She was Wonder Woman for Halloween a few years ago.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Have a Blessed Christmas
As I think about the real reason for the season,
I want to wish you all a most
Blessed Christmas.
I also wish that you get everything you asked for.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Green Giant and Santa- Ho! Ho! Ho!
My friends at My Blog Spark sent me this link.
I thought it was pretty cute.
Hope you all enjoy it too.
Merry Christmas!
You Capture / Holiday Magic
You Capture this week is holiday magic.
I don't think you can get anymore magical than Santa.
I fudged a little here because I took this picture the last week of school and I also posted it in a previous post. I just love it though and had to put it in. All the rest I took this week.
I love that movie. I try to watch it as many times as I can during the 24 hours of a Christmas Story on TBS starting Christmas eve evening.
I love the magic of a glowing Christmas tree. I think it should be a rule that once you put up your tree, it should stay dark until you take it down.
I think my favorite tradition is trying to make my dad a part of our Christmas every year. My dad died in 1977. This is his ornament that we made for him when we were kids at home. That was a long time ago. Every year, dad's ornamnet is the first one that goes on my tree. That one simple act is a little bit of magic that makes dad still a part of our Christmas. I miss him all the time, but never more than when I hang that ornament. I love you dad and I miss you so much.
We don't have a fireplace, so our stockings are hung by the beam with care.
Our chimney is actually in the closet next to the beam, so I'm guessing it takes Santa a little magic to get out of the chimney.

Our chimney is actually in the closet next to the beam, so I'm guessing it takes Santa a little magic to get out of the chimney.
I bet there is lots more over at Beth's.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Finding Christmas
I haven't posted much lately. I'm having trouble finding Christmas this year. There are things going on that are beyond my control and it's making me sad. I finally got the house decorated and finished the tree tonight. I sat down at the computer and remembered that I never told you about Santa coming to preschool. Lucky for me, he got to come during Natalie's class.
I loved it and him!
I'm just watching the end of the Polar Express and it always makes me cry.
My oldest daughter who I know is still a believer bought me the Polar Express bell and Santa ornament a few years back. I rang the bell before I put it on the tree. Of course I could still hear it. I hope I always am able to hear it. I'd hate to think that there could ever be a day when I wouldn't believe. I believe in the magic and the wonder and the baby that started it all.
I believe that there is good in everyone. I believe that it is better to give than to receive.
I believe that I can find Christmas in the eyes of my beautiful daughters and in the hearts of my sweet grandchildren and in the soul of my wonderful husband. I believe that love is the best gift of all. I just have to let go of the sad and let God show me the wonder.
It's right here and I know that!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
You Capture / Outside
I blame Beth for our snow storm this week.
It came just in time for the You Capture assignment
I saw these poor babies trying to keep warm.
The blur in the background is the snow whipping around at 40 mph or so.
I felt so sorry for these guys.
If I could, I would have brought them inside to warm up.
If I could, I would have brought them inside to warm up.
He sure wasn't thinking about using this birdbath.
The one picture that I missed was so cool. We were driving home from my mom's in the beginnings of the storm. All I was thinking about was getting home safely at the time. After we got home, I realized what I missed. In the open fields when the winds were blowing like crazy, there were snow funnels whipping around. My daughter called them "snownadoes".
They were really cool, but I missed them. That's what I get for being a big chicken.
If you go check at Beth's, maybe somebody there got them.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Best Weekend That Just Keeps Getting Better!
We celebrated my Abby's graduation from Purdue.
My baby now has a degree in elementary education.
We had an all girl party at our favorite restaurant/bar.
We had so much fun!
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