No bull....isn't that what that symbol means? Well, no bull here. It has been a long time since I've confessed here and it's not pretty at all. They say confession is good for the soul, so we'll see if that is true. I am embarrassed to tell you that.....
1. I used to be a smoker. I quit quite a few years ago, but I didn't really quit. If we were out with friends in a bar and I'd have a few drinks, I'd bum a few off whoever was smoking at our table. Smoking was also my crutch when I was angry or upset. I could go weeks and not smoke, but if I'd have what I considered a crisis of sorts, I'd buy a pack. Maybe I'd smoke three, maybe I'd smoke the whole pack, but after that day, I'd throw the pack away. Then, I would go about my business and not smoke. Now, here is the good news. I haven't had a cigarette in seven months and I don't want one at all. I am confident that I will never smoke again. So, how do I handle my mini crisises now? You guessed it...food. Now here is the really bad news. My taste buds are like brand new not being dulled by smoking. If you have never smoked, you have no idea how good things taste when you have quit for a while.
2. The last month of school kicked my butt and then I got roped into teaching summer school. I didn't exercise for way too long. I was exhausted most days and could barely drag my butt out of bed in time to get to school. I had something going on almost every night. I had no time to myself. Here is the vicious circle....I was exhausted because my metabolism was shot from not exercising, but I was too exhausted to take any little bit of time I had to exercise.
3. My food choices have been pretty much crap. We ate out way to many times. Worst case example of late night snacking in one night...a three inch stack of mexican layered Pringles, a bowl of caramel praline crunch ice cream and a half a chocolate donut. Oh my God, who the hell eats that in one night?????
4. My body has pretty much gone to mushy, flabby and gross.
Now comes the good part of this sad confession.
1. I am done with school now and I have started back with exercising this week. I'm walking first thing in the morning no less than five days a week with a good friend and we do no less than three miles and are going to work our way up to at least five miles a day. I come home for that and do some form of exercise. Yesterday I did the kettlebell workout and today I did a Biggest Loser workout on the wii. Just a bit of info for you all...don't start your kettlebell workouts with an eight pound bell. It works fine for the below the waist stuff, but I almost knocked myself out trying to swing that sucker up over my head and control it for upper body work. I did it, but it was touch and go a few times.
2. I've been thinking about joining Weight Watchers for a few weeks. After some feedback from some people I trust last night, I am going to do it. Today is the day that I join Weight Watchers online. As soon as I post this, I'm heading over to their website. If any of you are doing Weight Watchers, please leave me some feedback about how you like it. I'm a little worried about how the points thing works, but I'm sure it will all come together.
So, that's it. The good, the bad and the ugly. Yesterday I started with a clean slate. I'm not proud or happy about the other stuff, but I can only start over and do my best. I'm not going to waste time beating myself up over it. Hey, at least I'm not smoking and I have to give myself credit for that.
Lastly, I confess that if you go to the post under this one, I have a giveaway going on. It's for a $40. gift certificate, if you'd like to check it out.
Once again, Blogger is messing with me and won't let me make paragraphs. Sorry!