Look what I got!

I received this lovely award from
Chocolate Girl who just happens to be my beautiful daughter and
LouAnn, a sweet blogging friend. I would like to thank them for thinking of me as beautiful.
I am supposed to list seven interesting things about myself. This could be a stretch. I'm not really all that interesting. but I'll give it a try.
1. I have met three famous people and had my picture taken with two of them. I met James Taylor, Jackson Browne and Dom Deluise. If you go to the very bottom of my blog page, you'll see the picture of James Taylor and I. I also had my picture taken with Dom Deluise and the girl I teach with. We met him at a book signing. Jackson Browne was not nearly as friendly. He stopped and talked, but there were no autographs or pictures. James Taylor signed my 8 track of Sweet Baby James and Dom Deluise signed my book. I
almost got to meet Kenny Rogers and Garth Brooks when my friend worked for a country radio station. Security wasn't letting me in without my own press pass though. I did at least get an autographed picture of Garth.
2. I'm a decent photographer. I do use the term photographer loosely. I got a new Nikon D3000 for Christmas and I am really having a good time with it. I'm going to sound like a big dork, but some of my best shots are of birds.
3. Although I love to take pictures, I absolutely hate to have my own picture taken.
4. I gave up diet coke and bacardi for lent. Being I only drink bacardi and diet as my drink of choice, I guess I gave up drinking for lent. Now that I think of it, I have drank nothing but bacardi and diet for like 30 some odd years. I have had a random martini here and there, but I always go back to bacardi and diet. Wow, can you say boring?
5. I love to read. I'm not picky about what I read either. I am just as happy reading a magazine as I am reading an adult or childrens book.
6. If I had to pick between music and television, I'd pick music every time. I could live a long and happy life without tv, but never without music.
7. I realized this past year that I can't just wish myself thin. With the help of the
Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans, I have begun a real health and fitness routine and am doing pretty well. I've lost 14 pounds so far.
If any of you would like to play along, grab the award and have at it. You know I love all my blogging friends.